Personally, I have been dealing with treatment for Major Depression Disorder and ADD. After many years of denial. Meds and therapy are helping. A lot. Please don't be dumb like me - go get help if you even think you need it.
Hobby-wise, I have been into Gaslands and KillTeam lately. Lots of terrain painted, and some more cars. Painted up the starter box for KillTeam for my sons, so a few Primaris Reaver Space Marines and some Tau Fire Warriors. Working on my own team of Genestealer Cultists because I have wanted to play them since they first appeared in White Dwarf in 1989 or so. Played some Team Yankee, and some Flames of War v.4. Have almost completed a Starfinder campaign (Against the Aeon Throne AP) that I am GMing. I play in an online Starfinder game, too. Played a big OGRE game in November. Finished up a couple of airships, but need to build stands for them. Though that has been designed.
Feel for you. I became depressed from the side-effects of medication prescribed to treat my rheumatoid arthritis. No fun. So now I'm on medication to counter the medication I need to take to keep me healthy.
The technical term for this is, extra-pyramidal side-effects. It's a thing.
My only advice, be kind to yourself.
PS: and take the medication etc.
That first genestealer looks awesome - I really like the banner. Well done.
Great to hear that you have support and help in place! Look at all these wonderful things that you are working on too, great job Sir.
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