Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Been quiet

Been quiet around here lately. I actually have been doing stuff. Played a game of Twilight Struggle that I bought at GenCon. It's fun!

Been doing some painting, but no photos yet. Promise I will get something posted soon-ish.

Curious as to how many people still follow this (or any) blog actively. I know I go through cycles of following and ignoring. Twitter has become more my go to for online game stuff.

So let me know if you're still out there, please, by commenting.


Don M said...

J, if your posts come up I look!

Shaun Travers said...

I follow your blog. If you post I come and visit.

Desert Scribe said...

Still here!

 Ashley said...

What they said.

Chuckaroobob said...

Ja ja, I'm following, but don't get on the web everyday.

Elderac said...

I go to VBIR practically every day and often follow the link to here.