I have a rather... unfocused approach to my various gaming interests. I roleplay, wargame, paint and collect minis.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Reginald's Regiments of Renown, Issue #5
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Reginald's Regiments of Renown, Issue #4
(Ess’this R’sska Slee-stak)
Being both of alien origin and hostile intent, little is known of the origins of the great Gater warlord known as Slee-stak. Slee-stak and his barbaric horde of lizardmen first encountered humans when the German aethership KäF Das Vaterland sent down zeppelin-based scouting parties. One surveying party, which located the eventual site of the settlement of Neu Berlin in the Venusstadt Kolonie was attacked by the warband. Slee-stak’s attack was stalled by German firepower, although three German Ätherbattalion troops were slain in the fighting. The German surveyors retreated to the safety of their zeppelin launch and returned the following day with additional troops. There was no sign of the lizardmen, and the only remains of the three slain troopers were their well-gnawed bones.
Since that day, Slee-stak has become quite fond of man-flesh. He and the Kss’rssa Ess’thiss (Viper Warband) he leads raid all along the southern border of Venusstadt. Mounted on his huge carnosaur, Slee-stak runs down fleeing colonists and impales them on his massive bronze lance. The governor of the Venusstadt Kolonie has placed a 10,000 mark bounty on Slee-stak’s red scaled head.
Slee-stak’s warband seems to be divided into sub-groups based on color morphology. Most of his followers are of the smaller lizardman type, called 'gex' by humans. They are typically armed with either stone-tipped javelins or bows. A few of the bolder gex carry bronze weapons instead. In total, there are approximately forty gex following Slee-stak.
One group of about ten of the larger ‘gater’ type lizardmen also follows Slee-stak. They share his black and red color morphology, and are likely from the same hatching as their mighty warlord. Like most lizardmen, these gaters are armed primarily with primitive stone and wooden weapons, although they have also obtained some metal weapons.
Slee-stak himself is rarely seen on foot, preferring to stand out from the crowd of lesser warriors by riding the back of a vicious carnosaur. The carnosaur is nearly as dangerous as its master.
[Editor's Notes: I plan to use these fellows against both 15mm and 25mm foes. They're just a lot bigger and nastier when facing a 15mm human...]
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Reginald's Regiments of Renown, Issue #3
The origin of the Research and Development Platoon of the Royal Artillery is shrouded in secrecy. It is thought that Her Majesty's Government began a secret program of technological development in the years immediately after the Russian War. Evidence for this lies in the budgetary increases to the Royal Artillery passed by Parliament at the urging of the Prime Minister and the Horse Guards. The precise nature of the expenditures is listed merely as 'Confidential.'
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Reginald's Regiments of Renown, Issue #2
Monday, December 21, 2009
Reginald's Regiments of Renown, Issue #1
The First Victoria Landing Foot (Sepoy) regiment was established by the Horse Guards on June 12, 1871, to provide native troops for the protection of the British Martian Crown Colony. Costs to send entire regiments of human troops were prohibitive, even using Royal Ether Navy craft for the majority of the ferrying duties. Increasing agitation from native groups, other European powers, and Feral Martian brigands were threatening the young colony, which still amounted only to a single large town and several outlying villages and outposts.
Friday, November 27, 2009
New Allies on Venus
Their commander, Major Thomas Kipitupu, is proud to serve his king alongside his kingdom's Texican allies. He and his men will lend all of their talents to the efforts to forge a new colony in the hostile, shadowy jungles of Venus. Forging paths, scouting new territories and lending warclub and rifle to battle any hostile forces they might encounter, I am sure the Texican Marines on Venus will quickly come to appreciate their merits.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Tiny Towns!
From high above the Martian city of Gwalli-Andor, at night. The town is quite dark.
The villa of Kez Ra Tohnassi, the wealthiest merchant prince in Gwalli-Andor.
The Tower of Righteous Harmony and Conduct, a cross between city hall, royal palace and a temple.
All of these magnificent vistas were photostattted by our Lead Correspondent, Mr. Eli Arndt. He took the photostats from the highest of altitudes aboard a native kiteship. You can see the acres of shining white kur plants, whose fibers make an astonishingly sturdy fabric, lightwieght and airy. Something like a cross between cotton and silk, it is one of the staples of Martian dress.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Martian Construction Projects
Giant Catapult Threatens Texians!
The massive war engine pictured above, in its nearly completed state, threatens to demolish obects along the Gulf Coast of Texas! Though difficult to tell in this photostat, it is taller than ten men, and can hurl a six foot boulder hundreds of feet! Flee in terror!
[Editor's Note: The picture above is of the trebuchet my son and I built for his science fair project. In 1/72 scale (1" = 6'), it would be about 80 feet tall. It throws a golf ball about 50 feet with a ten pound weight and a 18 inch throwing arm. We tested it with different lengths of arm and different counter weights. Ain't science fun?]
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Photos of some of today's efforts...
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Diorama for school = Excuse to buy terrain toys
You see, my son has a project due tomorrow for his Language Arts class. They read the book Uglies, and had a choice of projets to do in relation to the novel. Greyson chose a diorama based around a scene in the book. The scene: two teens making a very long jump on hoverboards (think flying skateboard) off a cliff to the roof of a secure building built halfway into a hillside.
Enter Daddy, with pink foam and hotwire cutter! We made a long cliff that will look smashing on Venus when the project is returned (if it is returned - it looks good and teachers always keep the nice ones). And a low hill to boot.
And best of all, Momma didn't complain about me buying foamboard and spray paint and such, because it was 'all for the school project.' Naturally, the scraps won't go to waste. I love it when a plan comes together.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Or somewhere, at any rate. Obviously, these fellows may be relatives of the bloodeye frogs of Venus. My eldest son, Greyson, found these at Historicon and bought a good number of them. It is his first real painting project. I think they look great for a 13 year old. Much better than I managed at the same age, I promise you!
They still need to be based ( I need to get some bases ordered!), but I think they look awesome.
Finally, below is a shot of the newly based (but not yet dull coated) lizard dog thingy that I got from Splintered Light at Historicon. It is part of their 15mm Lizardman army, but the fellow manning the booth (whose name escapes me at the moment - sorry!) was very obliging when I asked if I could get just a few of these fellows. I love the three eyes.
Friday, October 2, 2009
A gift for the memsahib, perhaps?
Steampunk jewelry. Some of it is pretty neat. So, if your memsahib is a fan of things steamy and punky, you might check it out. Sadly, She Who Must Be Obeyed around my home is not into that look.
Hope it helps.
And look, a real post!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Another Zero Month - But Not Dead Yet!
I am truly beginning to hate this time of year. I am so busy, every night after work and all weekend long, between football with the boys and church commitments...
I haven't done anything but wish I had time for gaming activities. Not a drop of paint has been used. Not a single game played. the closest I have gotten to gaming in the past 30 days is bitching about not having any time to do it with my friends.
As for blogging, well, with no gaming going on, the blogging has slowed down. My small amount of free time has been wasted on Facebook, which is evil. And addictive. Ought to be a controlled substance.
This blog is NOT dead.
I promise it will be revived. My thirteen year old did paint up some of his Eureka frogs he bought from Nic at Historicon (Hi Nic!). I'll try to get a photo or tow of them posted. They are very nicely done, especially considering his relative lack of experience at painting. Honestly, much better than my stuff at the same age. MUCH better.
And I have actually thought about priming some of the Space 1889 High Martians I got at Historicon. Plus, a good buddy locally has been hinting we should paint up the 100 15mm Zulus I have laying about so we can play some TSATF colonials. Gotta get the juices flowing again!
Well, ladies and gents, all for now, but please come back around in a week or so and see if I have made any progress. And if not, let me know about it!
Monday, August 31, 2009
End of Month Update.
Is that too specific for you? I finished absolutely nothing in August. Its been two weeks since my last posting here and I haven't done a thing. Facebook is evil.
That and the start of a new school year.
But I hope that September will be better. I pledge to finish at least twenty minis by the end of September. Considering how busy September is already shaping up to be, that may be ambitious. But I will try to get something done so that I can make interesting posts about it rather than this dull dreck which is probably costing me many followers.
Would it help if I mentioned midget soldiers as the troop of choice for my students as they go exploring the New World? They take up less space on the ship and need less supplies, you see. At least that's what one of my student groups is trying to convince me.
Monday, August 17, 2009
He's Back!
To be perfectly honest, I have done practically nothing gaming related since returning from Historicon. Throw in a week long bout of the crud, and even less was accomplished. Mix in a bit of 'back-to-school/work', and top it all off with a hefty dollop of analysis paralysis and there you have it: the recipe for a total lack of progress.
That's not entirely true, of course. I did do a bit of sorting on projects. Showed my oldest son how to clean up a mini before painting (careful - those X-Acto blades are sharp, boy!), and even got in a game last Saturday (Napoleonics). I did manage to get the three artillery pieces Dane bought at Historicon's flea market based up, and they look pretty nice. Two for Martians, one for the Venusians (catapult).
The paralysis involves basing. Once upon a time, I had the idea of basing troops that were not capable of close order drill on round bases, and troops that were capable on square bases. So, for example, Martian militiamen on round, British regulars on square. I still think it is a great idea. So we come to execution. I have about 100 15mm Martians based on round bases. I used Litko's 0.8mm plywood and then added the flexsteel sheet under that. I like that Litko's stuff is precisely cut. But the flexsteel just doesn't seem to have the 'grab' that something like a plain old washer does. I have lately been using the square steel bases from Wargames Accessories for the square bases, and they grab pretty well. I think what I am going to have to do is rebase all my Martians. This also appeals because I have changed my Martian base material about three times in the last year or so, and rebasing would tie them all back together. I am just hesitant to pull the trigger on a fairly big job that will cost a bit of money (not a lot, but its that much less I can use to buy more lead).
Another new project that is about to take up some of my time is a school project. I am semi-seriously considering a wargaming club at the junior high school where I teach. It will probably have to wait until the spring semester, though. A friend has kindly donated a good number of Napoleonic plastics (1/72 scale, ESCI, Italeri, that sort of thing) and I think I can make it work. I'll need more figures (a little heavy on the French cavalry - anyone interested in some swapping?) and some sort of simple rules. And basing. Painting is going to be very simple at first. I'll spray paint the French a flat blue and the British a flat red. I might go so far as to paint in faces and hands with craft paints, and perhaps even black shakos and boots. I want to go cheap and fast, not hyper accurate. These are for young teens who have little respect for other peoples' property. Once I get a few hooked, maybe we'll do a painting session or two.
Does anyone have any suggestions on rules or anything for this project?
Enough blathering for now. Please let me know if you have any ideas to help get this club off the ground in the spring.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
July Monthly Wrapup
The biggest event was attending Historicon, obviously. Purchased a LOT of lead there. And I have started a bit on painting some of it. Call it 14 or so minis about 90% done except for bases (which I need to order more of - they rean out of the size I needed at Historicon!).
Got to play some games at Historicon, too, and that was fun. The game that I ran went pretty well, so no complaints on that score. Do wish I had been able to get another game on Saturday, but those are the breaks at the busiest con on the busiest day, I suppose.
Other game related progress was low. I did finish up 20 15mm Masked Minions in time for the game. No progress on the Aphid-class clone. A bit of terrain finished up, again for the game. Have been working on finishing the bases for about twenty minis painted by White Ape Studios for me, and almost done with those. Then they just need some dullcote and they're ready for the display cabinet and the battlefields of Venus.
So, projects for August:
- Order more bases, plus some Reaper master Series paints for my son's frogs.
- Finish lizard dogs, pigs and werewolves.
- Finish bases for explorer, and lizardmen.
- Prime, paint, and base High Martian box set (20 figures)
- Finish at least 20 15mm Aetherbattallion troops and officers
- Finish Martian masked leader.
- Finish 10 Martian sepoys (25mm)
- Prime paint and base prototype Gashant rider.
It's a tall order. Wish me luck!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Regarding Historicon Poll vs. Purchases
So, let's compare that to what I bought at Historicon.
As far as Martians go, all I purchased was a box of High Martians (the flying guys) [RAFM]. My son also bought some Mage Knight cannons that will probably be pressed into Martian service, as they are sort of primitive looking and bulky and just look 'right.'
For the Masked Minions, I purchased a 4 figure gun crew [Parroom Station]. I also bought a Smoke Launcher [Parroom Station] for them to crew. The gun may be used by others, of course. And it may not always be a Smoke launcher. Suppose I need rules for the poisonous cloud that it fires off. Maybe a blast template that wanders with the wind? Green-sprayed battening on an old CD base? Bears thinking about.
For our third place contestant, the Germans, I bought infantry and a massive artillery piece. Again, the artillery piece could be used by anyone, really. It is the Steampunk Cannon [JR Miniatures]. Having a stubby, mortar-like appearance, I also want to make a barrel extension for it (removable, of course) so that it can be made to look like a big fortress piece. Shouldn't be too difficult, as the barrel of the original mortar is tapped quite deeply. I'll explain my idea for it when I get around to doing it. The infantry I chose were the Prussian infantry of Parroom Station.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Historicon, Day Three
The boys played in two games: Destroy all Monsters (another Godzilla movie-monster game) and Ribbit! (GASLIGHT, using Eureka's new frogs and turtles, by Buck Surdu). In short, Destroy all Monsters stunk, and Ribbit! was awesome.
Dane and another boy move the North American troops. Note the Self Propelled Gunturtle in the foreground.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Home Again, Home Again
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Historicon Day Two, in Photos...
A buzzard alights next to the first victim of hot lead poisoning. What a great idea!
A shot of some of the terrain for the FOW Tournament - very nice! This was Savio River, I think.
My Game at setup... a lot more figures at the beginning than were left at the bloody end.
In the center, the Prussians advance, flanked on right by the British and the left by the French.
Historicon, Day Two...
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Historicon, Day 1
We started the day at 12, with both boys playing in Monster Island II, each of them taking a giant monster and trying to become King of Monsters. Greyson was Godzilla, and Dane was Gamera. Grey was eliminated pretty early, but Dane came in third! Right after that, Dane had another game, this one based loosely on the Lord of the Rings. His side (the Good Guys) lost badly. He had rotten luck with his dice rolls and his allies were not much help either. Oh well...
Dane, planning Gamera's first move...
General Dane preparing to order his subordinates into battle against the Trolls and Uruk-Hai!
Random photo, but check out the dust columns under the choppers!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
300th Issue!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Tomorrow's the Day!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Masked Minions Unveiled!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Pre-Historicon Notes
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Independence Declared!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
New Month, New Poll...
- 15mm Germans - I have about twenty or so Aetherbattalion [OG Boxer Seebattalion] to paint up already, plus I need to get some regular line infantry, artillery and probably some cavalry as well.
- 25/28mm Germans - I have a few (5-6?) Aetherbattalion KFG troops [GW Mordian Iron Guard] left to paint. Need to buy 8 more fliegerjaegers [Eureka Minis], plus a good twenty Seebattalion to turn into Aetherbattalion regulars, and another twenty or thirty line infantry. Plus artillery, vehicles (already have some hulls for that), and again, thinking about cavalry. Yes, I like cavalry. I just hate painting horses. I could put them on my steam horses, which are already painted [Mage Knight].
- 25/28mm British & Sikhs - Need to finish the R&D Platoon (4-5 left to finish) [GW Praetorians], plus seriously considering the Empress Miniatures to replace my older Minifigs redcoats (20-ish). I have ten or twenty Gurkhas [Ral Partha?] and about 17 Sikhs [Foundry] in bare metal as well. Oh, and 9 more Martian sepoys [RAFM Space 1889]. Get some Bengal Lancers, and mount them on some mechanical cats I already have [Mage Knight], perhaps painted like Bengal tigers?
- 25/28mm Martians - I have ten shield gunners, ten Gashant riders, and twenty archers [All RAFM Space 1889] in need of paint. Plus the previously mentioned sepoys. I want some sverdlinker fanatics [Parroom Station], maybe 20 or so of them. And some plain sword-toting Martians.
- 15mm Texicans - I do need to work on them some more. I have some minis already [Freikorps' SAW American Infantry], but will need more if I am going to fight real battles using the Texicans.
- 15mm Papal Troops - Also not a high priority. I have the lead, but not the focus on them right now. Should I reconsider?
- 25/28mm Masked Minions - These are human mercenaries, originally for Professor Otto Maton. I have ten of them, making one GASLIGHT unit [Parroom Station minis], all bare metal as of now. I want to get ten more, plus an artillery crew, the machine gun team (maybe 2) and some of the weird artillery, and 8 more Clockwork Soldiers [also Parroom Station]. If I do this, I need to get the Weird Scientist artillery crew as well, so I can use the weird science artillery for other armies. While I'm at it, I ought to get more steam spiders [Wyrd Miniatures] and toolbots [Reaper Miniatures, Chronoscope line] for Maton's mechanical menaces. And a vehicle (or two) of some sort.
- 2mm Aeronef - I have about 27 of these in totally bare lead. [Brigade Models] I have five painted up for the Papal States, 2 more almost done (just need flags and dullcote).
Monday, June 29, 2009
Preliminary Fliegerjaeger Stats (GASLIGHT)
Fliegerjaeger Photos
From Neu Berlin, we have received static plates of the leader of die Fliegerjaeger. He is equipped with a fantastic invention for personal mobility designed by the Kaiserlich Forschungsanstalt fur Geheimewaffen (KFG). The long blades above the captain's head are sent whirling in a circle at astonishing speed, which forces air downward, lifting the soldier straight up into the air! Powered by an ingenious spring arrangement, the device does not last long, but can allow troops to cross thick or difficult terrain in long jumps rather than slowly crossing by foot.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Armed Forces Day (UK)

Friday, June 26, 2009
Vardu Plans
And for the record, I have no financial interest of any sort in Hydra Miniatures, nor have I ever met Matt personally. Just a very happy customer who is looking forward to more products from a talented sculptor.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Hauptman zu Fliegerjaeger Finished!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day: What are YOU doing?
Friday, June 19, 2009
Abandoned Martian City Found!

Famed archaeologist Cacique Caribe of the University of TMP has identified this location for us. You can see more inspirational work by the same artist at this location.
[Editor's Note: Now THAT'S how you do a Martian canal city. I only wish I would ever have the time, talent and treasure to spend on creating something that modeled this in 15mm. Wow. But it is an incredible inspiration piece, and makes me happier with the row houses I have been building off and on for a Martian canal city. At some point, I have to do the canals themselves.]