The second game I played in at MillenniumCon was on Friday afternoon. This time, I was trying out Frostgrave. This is a set of fantasy skirmish rules with a definite campaign / warband building aspect. It's quite popular, and the minis are nice. You can also use random other fantasy figures to help fill in your warband. I bought the rules back in the summer, so it was time to give it a try.
One part of the magnificent lost city of Frostgrave
It is a terrain intensive game, I think. Is this a dichotomy of wargaming, that the fewer figures you need, the more terrain you want? It seems to be...
The Witch and his apprentice.
I chose the witch as my wizard because, well, it's a cool looking model. Also, I have this pair already, though not painted.
Fallen columns of frost-rimed stone...
A rapid retreat with the loot...
You always want to be sure to secure some treasure. That's the point of the game. You use treasure to build up your warband over a series of games.
A giant worm erupts from the frozen ground.
All in all, I had fun. I won somehow, as the rules count how many spells you successfully manage to cast, and I cast one more than my opponent. All other factors being equal, that meant I won the game by a slim margin. Even though I lost a lot more of my warband including my wizard. Well, I didn't set the victory conditions - I'll just be glad they favored me.
Glad you enjoyed it! Because the game is usually campaigned based, players tend to make up their own mind about whether they won or lost based on how much loot they got versus casualties!
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