Tuesday, April 20, 2010

If you are into VSF gaming or 40K...

...you might want to check this out: Bartertown Link.

That, my firends, is a 28mm scale Knight Paladin in resin. Muy impressive. All I think it needs is a big honking steam engine on the back. the God-King of all Automatons for VSF. This thing might even be self-aware, it's so honking big. Then Doctor Maton will have some worries of his own...

Also, you can get these bit parts to make some Imperial Guard Praetorians of your very own. One option is to have the rider's legs as well, so you end up with Rough Riders. Just the thing for making German Imperial Uhlans out of Mordians, I think. Need some steam horses, the legs, uh... my wife is not gonna like this line of thinking....

Anyway, they look fabulous. I promised no minis wargaming purchases until Historicon, but...


Eli Arndt said...

Wow, those are cool. Some funnels on that big'n and you have a real steam colossus

J Womack, Esq. said...

Exactly what I was thinking - a massive steam colossus of death! Man, I would be scared of that thing! Forget the cannons - it could squash a platoon underfoot by accident!