Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Some Frostgrave progress

   Two posts in before the end of the month! Look at me go! I feel so much better after this second procedure, let me tell you...

   So up today are a few of the soldiers for Frostgrave and a shot of the mausoleum graveyard terrain.

The Crypt.
I got it from a set of 3-D printed stuff on eBay. Price was very reasonable

Bronze roof. I should probably have added verdigris - I may go back and do it at a later date.

Five Soldiers
Man at Arms, Infantryman, Treasure Hunter, Thug, Crossbowman (l to r)

I also finished up one of a pair of Fu dogs. Theses will be living statue traps in Frostgrave
Bronze with a molten metal/orange eye effect.


Skully said...

Those stone effects look great!

Phil said...

Wonderful minis and building!

J Womack, Esq. said...

The stone is dead easy. I spray flat black (I used Krylon Fusion). Next, Vallejo Basalt Grey on the blocks, statues, etc, being sure to leave the mortar lines clean. Then a dry brush of Vallejo Stone Grey over that. Done.